Friday, November 1, 2019

Paper #3 assignment: Hero Worship

Paper #3: Hero Worship

“There really is no Western counterpart in either the Hellenic or Hebraic tradition to the influence that this originally secular story, transmitted orally through many centuries, has exerted over millions of people…The Ramayana continues to have a profound emotional and psychological resonance for Indians” (Pankaj Mishra, Introduction to Narayan’s The Ramayana)

Both The Ramayana and Hong Gildong are folk epics that have become something much more profound in their respective cultures: The Ramayana has almost become a religious text, and is often read as such, while Hong Gildong is a folk hero beloved (or at least known) by all Koreans with phrases and ideas that have passed into common speech. As such, both ‘secular’ stories have become ‘religious’ in their cultural significance and timelessness, allowing them to be re-read and re-intepreted on a variety of levels.

SO, for your Third Paper assignment, I want you to discuss a modern hero (of any sex) whose story you feel is on the verge of making the leap from the secular to the religious. What heroes do we venerate in our society, telling the stories over and over like a mantra, and arguing over the “correct version” and getting outraged when someone tells the “wrong” story? How do we see parallels between these works and one of the new myths of our 21st century society? How could a character in a book, a movie, or even a musician in a band assume national and even religious stature?

SOURCES: Use both texts to compare to your modern myth: show how Rama, Gildong, or others act similarly or shed light on how we read and interpret this hero. Also consider if the stories told about your hero echoes any of the key events/controversies in both (or either) books. I also want you to find AT LEAST TWO sources on your modern myth: for example, if you’re writing about Harry Potter, find two articles, books, or something academic that discusses some aspect of the stories.

DUE IN TWO WEEKS: Friday, November 15th by 5pm [no class]


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