Tuesday, April 12, 2022

For Friday: Lahiri, The Interpreter of Maladies, "Sexy" and "Mrs. Sen's"

NOTE: Remember that there is NO CLASS ON WEDNESDAY. I'm giving you a day off because I have to put together some research of my own, and I figure if I need some extra time, then you probably do, too! :) So answer these questions for Friday's class.

Answer TWO of the following:

Q1: Why does Rohin tell Miranda that the word sexy means “loving someone you don’t know” (107)? Though a child would misunderstand this definition, why is it—at least for Miranda—somewhat close to the mark?

Q2: How does Miranda try to translate herself into an Indian and a mistress? Do these things seem to make a difference to Dev? Does she understand his attraction and interest in her?

Q3: After one of her driving lessons, Mrs. Sen exclaims, "Everyone, this people, too much in their world" (121). What terrifies or disturbs her most about life in America? What doesn't make sense to her here, and makes it difficult to her adapt to this new way of life?

Q4: How does Mrs. Sen expand Eliot's 'circle' and change the way he perceives his own day-to-day world? What ideas does she translate for him that he never even considered or understood before? Do these ideas come from Mrs. Sen's Indian identity, or is she simply showing him a woman's point of view?

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